The ISO 9001 certificate is proof that product quality and customer satisfaction are the company’s number one priority. By obtaining this certificate, we have established a solid and measurable system for determining the quality, which enables us to achieve our aims even more effectively, to accurately recognize and fulfil the requirements of our customers, build trust and form long-term business partnerships, and constantly monitor and make improvements in the business processes. Focusing on quality helps us become a more economical and flexible organization and, therefore, better qualified to seize new opportunities in an increasingly competitive global market.
The ISO 15378 certificate outlines the requirements for a quality management system, which is used for primary packaging materials for medicinal products and is an upgrade to the ISO 9001 standard. It represents an important step forward in improving the quality of both packaging and the entire packaging manufacturing process. Obtaining this certificate demonstrates that we are capable of consistently providing products and services that meet customer requirements as well as legal and regulatory requirements, thereby ensuring high-quality, safe and effective medicine (including primary packaging in contact with medicinal products).
In addition to ensuring the most efficient use of printing machines, increasing digital printing and reducing the dangerous chemicals needed to clean the machines, we also attach great importance to the FSC® certificate (FSC-C172697), which we obtained in 2021. It helps us contribute to the responsible management of forests and shows our commitment and contribution to environmental protection.